Happy Children learn better!
At CJC, we invest time and energy in our student wellbeing programs. Healthy minds in healthy bodies is an essential concept that supports our quest to help children reach their true potential, in and outside of school. Their primary school years are emotionally formative and extremely important to solidify their sense of belonging within the community. One size does not fit all, there is a wide range of diversity in student personalities and backgrounds. We embrace them all.

What is SEL?
Social and Emotional Learning
SEL programs positively affect students’ success in school. Studies show that social-emotional skills such as problem-solving, self-regulation, impulse control, and empathy, help improve academics, reduce negative social behaviours and create positive classroom climates.
Social-emotional skills also help kids successfully manage everyday life. They help students focus, make good decisions, and become supportive members of their community well beyond primary school.
At Caulfield Junior College we have the following programs and activities that all fall under the umbrella of SEL and are helping to create a positive, nurturing and caring school environment for all.
The Resilience Project
Teaching positive mental health strategies to help our students become happier and more resilient. GEM- Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.
Peaceful Kids Program
The Peaceful Kids 8-week program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children.
Mindfulness time after lunchtime
We allocate time after lunch play to relax, unwind and to get children in the right mindset for the classroom.
Outdoor Library during recesses
Reading on the SLC deck provides students that chill out zone in break times.
Indoor playtime at lunch- for those students who need a break from being outside for the whole lunchtime, they can choose to do some quiet indoor activities at 1.30pm in the SLC.
Our favourite Wellbeing dog who we all love!! Luna is the best listener and many children have enjoyed time with Luna in my office- chatting away and she never interrupts. Wellbeing dogs have been shown to improve connectedness, improve academic outcomes, improve relationships and assist in challenging behaviours. She really is very clever!
Social skills groups
Play based small groups in the junior school teaching a range of different skills based on the groups needs. These skills can include sharing, conflict resolution skills, problem solving, making choices and positive connections with others.
Sexual Education
Our Grade 5 and 6 students learn about healthy relationships and sexuality, from both the biological and emotional points of views. The program is presented by a dedicated external provider endorsed by the Department of Education and aims at educating in a safe and caring environment.
Zones of Regulation language
Offers tools/strategies/colours to help identify and manage the different emotions we all have.

Peer mediation
This program was launched last week, students from Grade 4 to 6 who elected to take part in the program have spent several hours learning the principles of mediation, restorative practice, confidentiality, impartiality and empathy that is being applied in their mission to help resolve conflicts in the playground.
