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Our students are our future.


That one statement outlines the incredible importance of schools. We have a responsibility to nurture the great young minds that we invite into our school and guide them towards the world-changing people they can become. 


At Caulfield Junior College, we will support your child as they transition from early childhood settings into their primary education. We will understand them not just as learners, but as young people. We will provide an environment where they are supported, challenged and connected. 


Our school motto is Leading the Way and I can proudly say that I know our students will be 'Leading the Way' in the future.



Nos élèves sont notre avenir.


Cette affirmation témoigne de l’importance du rôle des établissements scolaires.  Nous avons la responsabilité de nourrir l’esprit florissant des jeunes élèves que nous accueillons dans notre école, afin de les aider à atteindre leur potentiel en tant que leader de demain.


À Caulfield Junior College, nous accompagnerons votre enfant lors de sa transition entre la maternelle et le primaire.  Nous nous engageons à le comprendre, non seulement en tant qu’élève mais aussi en tant qu’enfant.  Nous lui offrirons un environnement où il se sent soutenu, mis au défi et inclus.


 « Ouvrons la voie » est la devise de notre école et c’est avec fierté que nous regarderons nos élèves ouvrir la voie vers l’avenir.


Chris Chant





Welcome from the Principal

Over a century ago, in July 1914, Caulfield Junior College opened its doors for the first time (as Balaclava Road Primary School), just two weeks before the news broke that WW1 had begun. Caulfield was then a flourishing new suburb and the residents had been pushing the project for several years. 


Four hundred students were already enrolled when Balaclava Road Primary opened its doors, making it one of the largest primary schools in Melbourne.


What a great achievement it was for the local community as previously, the students residing in Caulfield North had to walk several kilometres through bushland or swamps to schools, which were located as far as St Kilda or Malvern.

Balclava State School

Balaclava State School before it became Caulfield Emergency Hospital


Caulfield Junior College acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our History
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Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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